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2021-2022 WATRN Meetings

Writer's picture: Jennifer SchubringJennifer Schubring

View the invite and register using the QR Code or go to:

We are excited to share with you the topics for the Wisconsin Assistive Technology Regional Network (WATRN) 2021-2022 school year meetings. Here is a link to our invitation: You will find registration links for all of the meetings on the invitation. As a reminder, these meetings are FREE. Our leaders volunteer their time to organize and lead these meetings as we all feel it is important to network with other individuals/colleagues who are interested in Assistive Technology (AT) and Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC). You can read more about our mission and vision on the invitation. You will also see all of the regions listed. Additionally, we will be meeting virtually for our first two meetings. As we get closer to our spring and summer meeting dates we will determine if we will meet regionally/in person, based on CDC recommendations and guidelines. We will continue to offer a virtual meeting option for those that do not have a region near them or cannot attend an in person meeting. Our virtual group will be facilitated by Kelly Fonner.

Our first meeting will be held virtually on Thursday, October 28th from 5:30-7:30. We will be discussing writing supports for students with complex communication needs. Kelly Fonner and Annie Sims have a great presentation and case study to share with us. Additionally, we will have Beth Waite-Lafever, an SLP/ATP from PRC-Saltillo to discuss products and present on writing, as well.

Additional topics for the year include, "Meaning of Voice" with Dr. Kathy Howery and a discussion with individuals who use AAC for our Winter meeting. We will also hear from a Smartbox representative on their AAC products. This spring we will hear from Kareen and Brett Everman about life after graduation. They will share their story and journey. Brett is an individual who uses AAC, and he will share what independent living and work looks like for him. We will also learn more about the Wisconsin Board for People with Developmental Disabilities and the work they do throughout the state of Wisconsin. At our summer meeting we will learn from Donna McNear. Donna is a teacher of the visually impaired and she will discuss supporting AAC for students with vision impairments. We are still finalizing dates for our Winter, Spring, and Summer meetings and will have that information for you at our Fall meeting on 10/28.

Feel free to register for all of the meetings you are interested in and we will email you dates once they are finalized.

As a reminder we will cap attendance at 100 attendees. We will record the meeting and post the meeting in our YouTube WATRN playlist. If you register, you will be emailed a Zoom link 24 hours before the meeting.

We hope you are as excited about these topics as we are! We have some fantastic speakers lined up this year. Please share this information with your colleagues who may be interested in joining our meetings.

The WATRN Leaders

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