I’m always on the lookout for switch adaptable toys that are engaging and more fun than a barking dog! I’ve had my eye on a version of this toy for awhile, and finally saw that Amazon had it on sale recently. I’ve also seen versions of this toy at Target and Walmart.
Things you need to switch adapt the Eggmazing:
Eggmazing Egg Decorator (if you purchase a different brand make sure it is operated with batteries and has an on/off switch to operate the toy.
A battery interrupter. You can purchase one or make your own.
A switch to turn the Eggmazing on and off.
Check out the Eggmazing in action! We used real eggs, but make sure your eggs are dry and room temperature. I’m going to pick up some wooden eggs and try this with Sharpie markers, too.
I hope you have as much fun as we did creating beautiful decorated eggs!