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Spring WATRN meeting

The Spring Wisconsin Assistive Technology Regional Network (WATRN) meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday, April 28th from 3:30-6:00.

We will have a representative from Boardmaker who will be presenting on Boardmaker 7 and some of the academic supports that Boardmaker has available. Sharon Redmon will be presenting on the topic of supporting students with significant disabilities. Sharon is a classroom teacher and ATP who previously taught in Wisconsin and helped to found WATRN. She is currently teaching in the state of Washington. One of the things Sharon will be sharing with us is how she's been supporting literacy through implementation of the Comprehensive Literacy for All book by Karen Erickson and David Koppenhaver. She will be tying in some of the Boardmaker curriculum supports (Reading Avenue-was developed with Dr. Karen Erickson) and how she's used those supports in her classroom to impact student learning.

This will be another great meeting that you won't want to miss! Please register for the virtual meeting at: A link to the meeting will be sent out to everyone who registers approximately 24 hours before the meeting.

We hope you can make it to the Spring WATRN meeting to make some connections and expand your professional learning network!

The WATRN Leaders


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