for Augmentative and Alternative Communication
Building AAC provides a wide range of services to individuals with complex communication needs.

Initial Evaluation for first SGD
Building AAC provides a comprehensive evaluation for obtaining a dedicated speech generating device for first time device users. This evaluation will look at the setting, environment, tools, and tasks-SETT model (Zabala) to determine the features and communication system that will best meet the individual's needs. This is typically a 1 1/2 hour evaluation to determine the best communication system to trial. A variety of tools will be introduced during the evaluation. The therapist will assist the individual in completing the paperwork for a dedicated device trial. If an SGD is recommended after the trial a funding evaluation report will be written so that it can be submitted to insurance. An evaluation report from an ASHA certified SLP is necessary for dedicated devices funded through insurance.
If an individual would like to look at communication options for tablets (iPad and Android operating systems) and to pay for apps out of pocket, the therapist can also evaluate, trial, and make formal recommendations to direct the user and family with making purchases. The therapist can also help walk you through the process of purchasing the app through the iTunes or Android stores and getting the app on the device. There are many apps on the market. Paying out of pocket for this technology can be a more affordable, faster way to obtain augmentative and alternative communication. It is HIGHLY recommended that each individual with complex communication needs receive a formal evaluation and trial for these types of communication systems to help feature match and pick the app and device that will best meet each individual's needs. A communication app with a robust language system can cost over $100 with many averaging approximately $300.

Existing Device User
This evaluation is for existing device users whose device can no longer be repaired and need an updated system to replace outdated equipment. During this evaluation a communication needs assessment will be completed to determine what system and features will best meet your current needs. As most funding sources typically replace a communication system approximately every five years, your needs may change during this time. Technology also changes rapidly, which may result in different features available to better meet your needs.

Help! My SGD is not working!
If your current communication system needs to be repaired, Building AAC can help you to submit the necessary paperwork to have the repair completed and often funded through insurance.

Ongoing therapy to improve communication efficiency and build language skills
Build language skills in your current low or high communication system
Build a communication system for beginning communicators or individuals who have not had access to AAC
Move from a low tech to high tech system
Develop generative language skills using core vocabulary.
Work on social language skills using your AAC system.
Address access and mounting issues

Building AAC with teams
Building AAC provides consultations for augmentative and alternative communication systems (low and high tech) to local school districts. Evaluations and ongoing therapy for individuals who use AAC and in-service training are provided. Building AAC will also consult with group home staff, worksites/employers,  center-based employment sites and day service programs. Unique requests will also be considered.

If you would like to be contacted regarding services please fill out the form below with your information and we will get back to you as soon as possible.